You may want to search google for C++ XML libraries and adapt your program
to read and write the add.xml as well as trip tripinfo.xml. If you were to
use python instead of C++ you could use sumolib to do this (
2017-07-12 8:59 GMT+02:00 Liao Jian Ting via sumo-user <
> Hello, thank for your helping and sorry for my unclear question.
> First, I use my c++ program to generate the new traffic phase duration.
> Then I will open the add.xml in text editor and manually modify the
> duration replaced with the new duration. After that, work sumo to simulate
> the urban area(OSM) and get the tripinfo.xml in the end. I will repeat the
> above steps many times.
> Because the traffic lights in urban are too much and I need to execute the
> simulation many times, manually modify the add.xml must be troublesome.
> My questions are :
> 1) Is there any way to automatically modify the phase duration in add.xml
> after my c++ program generate the new duration or you have some other
> suggestions (tool) for me?
> 2) In addition to<>,
> is there any other way to parse the tripinfo for c++?
> ________________________________
> 寄件者: Jakob Erdmann <***>
> 寄件日期: 2017年7月11日 下午 10:29
> 收件者: Liao Jian Ting
> 副本: sumo-***
> 主旨: Re: [sumo-user] Dynamically edit add.xml and parse trinpinfo.xml
> Hello,
> 1) its not quite clear what you mean. If you just want to edit the
> duration, open up the file in your favorite text editor. If you need
> something done automatically you will have to do some programming or find
> someone else who can do it for you.
> 2) maybe this helps you:
> Tools/Xml - Sumo<>
> This converts any of the sumo xml files into a flat csv
> (character separated values) representation. CSV-Files are easy to parse
> and can be opened in ...
> regards,
> Jakob
> 2017-07-11 21:56 GMT+02:00 Liao Jian Ting via sumo-user <
> sumo-***<mailto:sumo-***>>:
> Hello, I'm trying to edit the traffic light phase duration to evaluate the
> traffic flow in my plan.
> I have two questions and don't find the answers.
> (1) Because I need to execute my process to produce new phase duration
> more times, I just want to edit the traffic light duration in additional
> file then the sumo can load it to change the phase duration. Is there any
> easy way to edit it in add.xml automatically?
> ex: <phase duration="25" state="GGrr"/>
> (2) I need some output data in tripinfo.xml, is there any easy way to
> obtain it?
> ex: <tripinfo id="1_5_20" depart="0.00" departLane="D1_0"
> departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="39.00"
> arrivalLane="D5_0" arrivalPos="238.65" arrivalSpeed="13.10"
> duration="39.00" routeLength="480.11" waitSteps="0" timeLoss="4.26"
> rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_1_5_20" vType="passenger" vaporized=""/>
> Thank for help.
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